Cultural Association of Research and Legal Studies
Cultural Association for Research and Legal Studies Aequitas Magazine (abbreviation AQM) is based in Italy, with tax code 93089850635.
It is indexed in the Research Organization Registry (ROR) with the persistent identifier and marked with the unique ISNI identifier
It is an indipendent, secular, non-partisan, non-profit association (art. 5 Statute) and has an unlimited duration in time (art. 4 Constitutive act).
It pursues the aim of promoting study, research and cultural and scientific comparison on current legal issues and on the connections between law and anthropology, law and bioethics, law and philosophy, law and geopolitics, law and history, law and technology, supporting a scientific approach transversal and multidisciplinary, in homage to the principle of Complexity which, according to Edgar Morin, connotes reality and every human phenomenon (art. 3 Statute).
Carries out study and research activities, including producing, financing or facilitating specific research projects.
It promotes and organizes conferences, conventions, debates, events with sector experts and transdisciplinary laboratories, encouraging collaboration between researchers, research institutes and organisations, both at a national and international level.
It collaborates as a supporting associate with the “Hugo Gernsback” Research Laboratory of the “Leonardo da Vinci” University of Torrevecchia Teatina (Ch), Italy.
It offers training and professional development opportunities for scholars and researchers and scholars at different stages of their career.
It takes care of the presentation of the research results by publishing online, as Publisher, the scientific monthly, open access and peer-reviewed serial, Aequitas Magazine (ISSN 3035-0271), Journal of culture and law, indexed in DOAJ and ROAD, which constitutes its scientific-academic expression and which promotes editorial integrity and the adoption of international best practices (BOAI and COPE).
For social purposes, it relates both to private individuals (researchers, scholars, teachers, scholars, operators and professionals of law and other disciplines involved) and bodies (Ministry of University and Research, Ministry of Culture, National Research Council, Anvur, universities, educational institutions, directories, libraries and catalogues, national and international, research centers and laboratories, other cultural and/or scientific institutions).
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