The Journal
Aequitas Magazine is a non-profit, scientific monthly journal focused on culture and law, accessible online for free without any restrictions (Open Access), peer-reviewed, and accredited by the Italian National Research Council with code ISSN 3035-0271.
We at Aequitas Magazine share some key values: transparency, integrity, and ethics in our editorial practice.
The Journal is published by Aequitas Magazine (tax code 93089850635), a Cultural Association of Research and Legal Studies, of which it represents the academic output – and cooperates with the “Hugo Gernsback” Research Laboratory of the “Leonardo da Vinci” University of Torrevecchia Teatina (Ch).
A few facts about Aequitas Magazine:
- It is ranked as a high-quality journal on DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals): prestigious international extensive index
- It is part of ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources): the World’s directory of OA (Open Access), scientific/academic serials sponsored by UNESCO
- It is registered in the Italian National Library Service with code SBN PMG0316326 and it appears in the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
- It is included in the OA resources of the Italian Central Legal Library (Biblioteca Centrale Giuridica – BCG) at the Ministry of Justice
- It is included in the OA resources of the Italian Central Institute for Single Catalogue (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico – ICCU) of Italian Libraries
- It is included in the OA resources for bibliographic information at the Italian Ministry of Culture
- It is part of MLOL (Media Library On Line)
- It aligns with the principle expressed on 14 February 2002 by the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) on full and free access to scientific literature. The works are published under Creative Commons Attribution – Non commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0): reproduction and distribution are therefore permitted by citing the source for non-commercial purposes (intellectual authorship of the work and first publication in this Journal).
- The OA (Open Access) feature allows all users of the magazine to access contents without costs, constraints, or restrictions. Users can freely read articles, copy them (in whole or in part), hyperlink the full-texts, download them in pdf, share them by email or on social media, scan them for indexing, transfer them as data to software, or use them for any other legitimate purpose. All this is necessary for the free dissemination of scientific knowledge to permit widespread access to research content.
- The Journal does not require Authors to pay for any publication costs (APC, Article Processing Charges) or any other expenses (for example, editorial processing, language editing, colour and image, membership fees, other additional expenses). All publishing costs are entirely covered by the Publisher.
- The Journal complies with the C.U.N proposal of 24 October 2013, whereby all articles have to meet “criteria identifying the scientific character of publications and other research products” (art. 3b, paragraph 2, Law n. 1/2009). This grants authors the right to distribute articles and monographs as scientific publications in the university context, for evaluation in certain public competitions (notaries), and for the recognition of training credits for lawyers at the Italian National Council of Forensic Sciences.
- Aequitas Magazine operates in compliance with its own Code of Ethics, aimed at researchers, scholars, practitioners and legal professionals (lawyers, notaries, magistrates, etc.), with primarily research and study purposes to foster academic collaborations, research dissemination, professional development, and scientific advancement in the sector.
Journal’s Name & Mission:
The journal owes its name to an explicit reference to the aequitas romana.
This is the legal principle applicable to all those situations where positive law proves to be, to some extent, fallacious or incongruous. It ensures that a certain degree of adequate flexibility is preserved. This is valid not only in case-based systems (common law of Anglo-Saxon matrix), but also in codified ones (civil law systems) where regulatory rigidity can sometimes hinder the application of appropriate or fair solutions to meet the needs of the time and context.
In this regard, it is worth citing the famous definition of Celso (II sec. d.C.) – reported by Ulpiano at the opening of the Digest -, borrowed as a motto for the journal, which states “Jus est ars boni et aequi“.
In our rapidly evolving society, there is an increasing need of protection and new regulations. To meet these demands, the law and its application cannot be separated from key values, such as justice, common senses, dignity, and equity.
The scientific-academic mission of Aequitas Magazine, Cultural Association for Research and Law Studies, take form/shape, in our Journal, through an approach that is quintessentially transversal, multidisciplinary, and intersectional. Such an approach aims to trigger scientific debates holistically by keeping up with the times in a careful, fair and reasonable fashion the sector to encourage and promote a deeper understanding of our society in all its nuances.
In line with this, the Journal has as its main objective the analysis and understanding of our complex reality and human phenomena by using an elective methodology as set out by Edgar Morin in Principle of Complexity.
In this light, our journal addresses issues related to intersectionality and interconnections between disciplines: law on one hand, anthropology, bioethics, philosophy, geopolitics, history and technology on the other.
What makes our journal stand out is a rigorous and meticulous editorial policy aimed at selecting and optimising those contents that can be defined as scientific. This is done by utilising the double review mechanism (antiplagiarism check and double-blind peer-reviews) to touch on topics related to the disciplinary sector known as “Social”: Area 12 “Legal Sciences”. In doing this, we seek to promote originality, clarity of presentation, consistency and logics, terminology correctness, accuracy in bibliographic research and sources, relevance, depth, critical analysis and scientific rigour.
The following thematic subdivisions (Thematic Areas) can be found in the Journal:
– Current case law
– Current legal issues of significant social, cultural and geopolitical relevance
– Civil Law
– Criminal Law
– Law and Anthropology
– Law and Bioethics
– Law and History
– Law and Technology
The Journal relies on regular publication of monthly issues of articles and short monographs to encourage the study, research and promotion of scientific debates on issues of particular relevance.
Produced primarily in a digital format and disseminated exclusively online, the journal is exempt from any registration obligation provided for by art. 5 of Law no. 47/1948 (Press Law) in line with art. 3-bis, paragraph 1, Law no. 103/2012.
The Journal has a backup mechanism and is automatically submitted to the long-term archiving and preservation system of the non-profit digital library Internet Archive (300 Funston Avenue, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.). At the same time, all authors maintain the right to deposit versions of their works in institutional archives or repositories of their choice.
If you wish to publish on Aequitas Magazine, please go to “Collaborate“, click “Submit to the Journal” and follow the guidelines.
The Scientific Director and the Scientific Committee are guarantors of the academic quality of all publications.
Adv. Prof. LUIGI ZITO (Scientific Director)
Lawyer in Cassation and Higher Courts
Qualified lecturer for the functions SSD IUS/01, IUS/04, IUS/09, IUS/13, IUS/17
IUL University of Florence
Qualified lecturer for the functions SSD IUS/07
University of Brescia
Lecturer in Anthropology
Department of Social Sciences
Federico II University of Naples
Associate lecturer
Department of Neuroscience
Federico II University of Naples
Lawyer in Cassation and Higher Courts
PhD in Criminal Procedure Law
University of Insubria
PhD in Comparatine Private Law
University of Salerno
Lawyer in Cassation and Higher Courts
Specialized in Administrative Law
Federico II University of Naples
Lawyer in Cassation and Higher Courts
Lawyer at the Ecclesiastical Court of Naples
Vice President of Cultural Association of Legal Research and Studies Aequitas Magazine
Specialized in Organization, Management, e-Government of Public Administrations
Sister Orsola Benincasa University of Naples
*For queries and feedback, please get in touch with us via email at